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About Me

My Story

I’m Kim. I make things.

I made my first garment when I was five years old. I was in Shriner’s Hospital in Montreal. The Ladies Group felt that since we were all little disabled kids with, frankly, uncertain futures, it was important for us to learn a useful, marketable skill.

One day they came in with a dozen sewing machines and a massive amount of fabric samples. This was in 1970 so imagine green polyester in every pattern and shade imaginable. All the old style 4 inch wide strip swatches.

We sewed those strips together to make pieces large enough to cut.

I made a kaftan. Remember those? It was hideous. Twenty different patterns all in horizontal sections, no lining, just the shell with dozens of seams. It was so spectacularly bad it was fabulous. I loved it. I was intensely proud of it and I was hooked.

I make clothing, bags, hand bound books, soaps, candles, accessories and other small gifts.